
Click below to find out who is buying Springfree

Alfie Deyes

Alfie Deyes is a well-known vlogging superstar and business enthusiast, living in the UK with his also popular vlogger girlfriend, Zoe Sugg (Zoella). As he shows us you don’t need children to have fun on a trampoline! Alfie a proud Springfree owner.


The Meldrums; A fun Scottish family whose Dad pushed his daughters to one side to have the first bounce! There is no age limit to getting outside and being active. As proud Springfree owners safety for their children was their number one priority.

Angelica & Michael

Angellica Bell & Michael Underwood are much loved TV presenters appearing on The One Show, This Morning, Good Morning Britain and Celebrity MasterChef. As proud Springfree owners they love being outside spending time together.

Aimee Fuller

Aimee is an amazing British Slopestyle Snowboarding Olympian who loves to train using her Springfree Trampoline! Despite her rise to fame and her array of phenomenal results, Aimee ensures that keeping active is always fun!

Amanda Parker

Amanda is a double world champion with Team Great Britain & boasts three 3 gold medals in trampolining, she still holds the record for the highest scoring British Female internationally. She’s a proud Springfree owner.

Clare Mansell

Clare Mansell is a blogger and content creator who first blog arose after travelling the world as a Forces Broadcaster. Now firmly settled with her lovely family she and her kids love to burn energy on their Springfree Trampoline.

Surrey Storm

The number one Netball Super League franchise for London and the South East. As Sponsors we help netball fans try the trampolines at their games and improve their fitness levels. We also can’t help waving a foam finger or two!

Surrey Scorchers

The Surrey Scorchers compete in the British Basketball League for Surrey. Maintaining enthusiasm and high energy levels, they strive to be the Number One British Basketball League Team. They are proud Springfree owners.

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Proud Trampoline Owners

Spot the Springfree Trampoline

Springfree trampolines sometimes appear where you don't expect them!  Look out for Springfree in these unlikely places.
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